Do your due diligence carefully before starting any Merger and/or Acquisitions
The world is scattered with numerous Mergers and Acquisitions (M+A) failures The results of these failures are vast - e.g. cost benefits not met, a strategic synergy not happening, staffing issues, regulatory problems and so on. The cause of these problems is often...
The embarrassing state of UK Politics.
WHAT ISSUES ARE IMPACTING THE UK AT THE MOMENT The UK, like most countries, are experiencing a large number of major issues now, for example, the tail end of COVID-19and the economic and human issues it's caused general economic woes fall out of Brexit, cost of living...
Technology needs robust governance to mitigate the risks of disaster.
It goes without saying that technology is now critical for all areas of life and society. It is almost impossible to do anything without relying on technology in some way or another. It is also safe to say that this reliance will only continue to grow (a) as society...
The risks of implementing emerging technology
There seems to be a constant flow of new emerging technologies appearing (all with great names such as Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning) and they all appear to promise maximum benefits with little implementation risk. However society is littered...
Remember to plan for the worse!!
At the time of writing (which is early Sunday morning on the 28th of May) two teams are in danger of dropping out of the Premier League along with Southampton. These teams are Leicester City, Leeds United and Everton. There are serious repercussions of dropping out of...
Four things to remember when selecting a new supplier
Introduction Selecting suppliers for outsourcing functions, buying services, etc is becoming increasingly common. This means that supplier selection is now a key organisational capability. However many organisations struggle with supplier product/service...
To resolve industrial disputes, both sides must speak !!
At the current time in the UK anyway, there was a large number of disputes between unions and the UK Government. It seems like there is a constant flow of strikes that nurses doctors, teachers change drivers and others and not in the strikes aimed at public events...
Is ESG just a ‘tick in the box’ or a real saviour?
Introduction. Ever since the financial services industry started decades or even centuries ago, there have been many trends that have appeared and become fashionable. Some of these have stuck around and have provided real benefits (such as passive investing and...
Should we be worried about another banking crisis?
Many of us remember the credit crisis from 2008 and the years and years of economic gloom that followed it, However, are we heading towards another banking crisis? At the time of writing three banks (namely Silicon Valley Bank, Credit Suisse and First Republic Bank)...
Paul Taylor discusses the ten challenges for the Financial Services industry.
“Tsunami” of New Complex and Business-Critical Regulation Arguably, the most prominent factor at the moment is Regulation or, more specifically, the “tsunami” of new regulations which is inundating the Asset Management industry following the credit crisis of...