Does Robotic Process Automation (RPA) provide any real benefits?

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is using a robotic software program (or bots) to imitate the processing that a human person would do on their desktop. In effect, the bot is replacing the human person. RPA bots are developed by typically a third-party RPA platform...

Is remote working causing you and your organisation issues?

Remote or hybrid working was initially triggered by COVID-19 which caused many firms to implement remote working virtually overnight.  However many firms have not returned to the previous norm of full-time office work because offices have been shut, people like...

Terrified of Financial Regulation? then get a trusted ally

There is a constant flow of new financial regulation which is now becoming more complex and intrusive. This regulation is moving further away from pure commission (where an individual or business is proactively committing a crime) to omission (where an individual or...