Did democracy ever really exist?
Introduction With the recent UK, USA and other general elections, there is a perception that we are ‘getting more of the same’. The US have voted in Trump again and with the UK there seems to be a stream of Prime Ministers who appear to be clones of each other....
What makes the perfect Xmas number #1?
One of my ongoing Christmas memories is waiting to find out what will be the number one single at Christmas (with Slade’s Merry Xmas Everybody still being my favourite). Therefore, I thought I would investigate what makes a good Christmas number single. Anyway, at a...
Paul Taylor writes for the IPM on the importance of understanding culture when implementing change
I was delighted to write a blog for the Institute of Project Management on importance of understanding culture when implementing change PLEASE CLICK HERE TO READ THE ARTICLE
Paul Taylor speaks to Gallant CEO regarding the challenges of being a freelance consultant.
I was honoured and delighted to speak to Gallant CEO regarding the changes of being a freelance consultancy. If you like to read the interview then please click HERE.
Paul Taylor discusses “Digital Assets” at the UCITS & AIFMD Seminar on 25th September 2024
I was delighted to discuss Digital assets at the UCITS & AIFMD Seminar in September 2024 PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS
Paul Taylor named as one of the most influential speakers by “Education Excellence Magazine”.
I am delighted to be featured in the latest issue of "Education Excellence Magazine" as one of the UK's most influential speakers in 2024 Please click below to read the article.
HS2 – A case study of why incremental change is more effective than revolutionary change.
For those in the UK, there has been the ongoing debate in regard to the HS/2 project. The project has had many issues with technical complexities, poor communication, timeline slippage, descoping and cost overruns. The project was presented as a revolutionary or step...
Henri Mintzberg – A key focus on the pragmatic nature of management?
I was tidying up a few papers a few weeks ago, and I came across an article written by Heni Mintzberg many years ago. I remember studying him when I was completing my MBA and what I liked about him was his focus on that management is often not ‘top down’ but...
Henri Fayol – Still as relevant today as he was in the early 1900s?
Earlier in the year I was tidying up some old books in my loft, and I came across all my notes and books from my MBA completed between 1996 and 1999. As I was reading them, I came across the theories of Henri Fayol which made me feel very nostalgic so I thought...
Paul Taylor to speak at UCITS/AIFMD “Cross-border Fund Distribution for UK managers” on 25th September 2024
I am delighted to say that I will be speaking at the UCITS/AIFMD "Cross-border Fund Distribution for UK managers" on 25th September 2024 My particular subject will be "Evolving opportunities in digital assets" covering:- Trends in digital assets;- Which jurisdictions...