Don’t Panic !!! …. but should we be worried about Artificial Intelligence?
Should we be panicking? There's a lot of attention in the media at the moment about Artificial Intelligence (AI), and how it could run out of control or cause all sorts of problems and even something as serious as the death of humanity. and this point of view...
Dominic Raab and the importance of managing the human part of Change Management.
(For those in the UK anyway) the latest political news is that Dominic Raab, has resigned as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice over a report which found he had bullied staff. Although with any political conflict or event, there is a certain amount of...
Do you really understand what BCP and DR are? Paul Taylor’s latest webinar explains.
CLICK HERE TO VIEW WEBINAR. BCP/DR is now a critical part of running a business but very few people really understand what it is and how it can be implemented. What actually is BCP and DR? Why are they important? How can DR and BCP be implemented? What are the typical...
Paul Taylor discusses the Interim Management challenges that Frank Lampard and Chelsea are facing
Introduction An interim manager is required when a member of management has left a position (either voluntarily, by force or by ‘mutual agreement’) and the employer needs to find a long-term replacement could this take time? Therefore interim manager is employed...
Paul Taylor publishes White Paper on the seven factors that help and/or hinder successful change management
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE WHITE PAPER Change is now key for the normal running of organizations and this is evidenced by phrases such as “change as usual”. Organisations need to change themselves to keep up with the constant change in their external environment....
Paul Taylor discusses that offshoring software development and support can work (if it is thought about properly).
A large amount has been written around offshoring software development and whether it provides benefits, etc. However I think that it is possible to implement an offshored software development model by following the following three steps. Step 1 – What is the...
Paul Taylor discusses the importance of efficient change management during these turbulent times.
Introduction The past couple of years has seen some of the most turbulent changes in history. BREXIT has changed the political landscape in the UK in the EU forever and it is safe to say that the long-term impact of BREXIT will take many years to fully...
“So you want to go contracting” Book – Updated version published.
Paul Taylor (a freelancer for over 15 years) has updated his book providing more advice, steer and wisdom. Is it a good choice for you? How to set yourself up as a contractor? ? How to get your first assignment? ? How to operate on a day-to-day basis? ? Click HERE to...
Paul Taylor’s talk to BCS on his latest book “The Human’s Guide to Managing Change”
To see the presentation/talk then click on The Human's Guide to Managing Change | BCS London Central & North Branches, Business Change SG - YouTube
Interviewed by Book Marketing Buzz on my latest book called “Humans Guide to Change”
Please click on the link below BookMarketingBuzzBlog: Interview With Author Paul Taylor