Fake News – Is this the new norm now?

Introduction The concept of fake news, misreporting, bias reporting, etc has been around as long as people have been able to write and spread news.  However, with the invention of the internet (and now social media) this issue has become increasingly worrying....

Is the AI Bubble about to burst?

Introduction Nowadays it is impossible to do anything without AI being mentioned or pushed down our throats. Therefore is AI a bubble which is about to burst?? However, the question of whether there is an AI bubble is not an easy one. It depends on what aspect of AI...

AI Washing – Please don’t be fooled.

AI washing is a term used to describe the practice of companies or organizations overstating, exaggerating, or falsely claiming that their products, services, or operations use artificial intelligence (AI) when they do not—or when the use of AI is minimal and...

Ada Lovelace – A computer visionary

Introduction It is easy to think that technology (and computing) was created by the current crop of large social media firms but actually computing was created by a series of individuals or pioneers. Ada Lovelance was one of these important pioneers. Early Life Ada...

Frederick Winslow Taylor: The Father of Scientific Management

Introduction I have always been fascinated by Frederick Taylor and scientific management, probably due to me sharing the same surname and possibly for my love of measuring things and statistics Anyway, I thought I would use my latest newsletter blog to write an...

How to Manage Resistance to Change in the Workplace

Resistance is widespread in all projects (regardless of size, scope, geographic spread, etc.), and it is often tiring and challenging to manage. There is a tendency to either ignore or try to crush resistance. Still, if it is managed proactively, carefully, and...

Learning from using Game Theory

What is Game Theory? Game theory is a branch of mathematics and economics that studies strategic decision-making in situations where individuals or entities (called players) interact and make choices that affect each other.  These interactions can involve...

John von Neumann – A  Forgotten Genius?

Introduction John von Neumann was a remarkable polymath whose contributions spanned mathematics, physics, economics, computer science, and more. His wisdom, much of it deeply ahead of his time, still resonates in areas as diverse as artificial intelligence, game...

Be scared of Black Swans !!

Introduction Black swans are events that refer to rare, unpredictable, and highly impactful occurrences that can drastically alter the course of societies, economies, and lives. To be a little more specific they cover the following:: Highly Improbable: They’re...

Did democracy ever really exist?

Introduction With the recent UK, USA and other general elections, there is a perception that we are ‘getting more of the same’. The US have voted in Trump again and with the UK there seems to be a stream of Prime Ministers who appear to be clones of each other....