The United Kingdom has faced various challenges in recent years and whoever becomes the Prime Minister this year, they will need to address them. Brexit Fallout: The aftermath of Brexit continues to pose challenges, including trade disruptions, regulatory changes, and...
ML is a discipline within artificial intelligence (AI) that allows computer systems to learn and improve automatically without being specifically programmed. ML will take structured (such as database records) and unstructured data (such as images and voice recordings)...
The Internet of Things (“IoT” or sometimes the Internet of Everything) is taking the evolution of the Internet to the next logical stage by allowing any physical object (or “thing”) to be added to the Internet. This is in addition to traditional devices such as PCs,...
Background The recent post office scandal has hit the us again. This has been fuelled by the brilliant recent ITV drama, which has now resulted in (a) the UK Police looking to investigate this as a criminal activity and (b) many UK politicians panicking and trying to...
Remember that all changes need a certain amount of post-implementation support Even when a change is transitioned into live, then it will still require a certain amount of post-transition support. This means it is not a case of the change being transitioned into live...
Over the past decade, the Tory party (and the UK Government) has become dysfunctional and useless, turning into a national embarrassment. The Tories are alienating their key voting areas (including now Essex) and unless something drastic happens, it will mean a Labour...
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